Many a times, we are bothered by such petty things in our lives which become a matter of laughter for others. But, still the questions keep on revolving in our minds with out the rarest possibility of being answered. Even though we know the common answers, then also we keep on waiting for some answers which may not be able to convince us but at least satisfy the hunger of our hearts.
Beauty is called the gift of god, then should ugliness be assumed as the curse of god? What is beauty? A great man said that it lied in the eyes of the beholder. True. Yes, absolutely true. A person can be considered beautiful by millions except one soul that is his own self. Is there any way to come out of this situation?
This is a kind of disease which has started overpowering the youngsters of the modern world cutting them off from their own potentials and lowering it to just the thought of ugliness. Consciousness of one’s own body grows to such an extent that a person starts forgetting his/her real identity. He/ she may be ten times better than the other at the intellectual, spiritual and the understanding level but the counting of shortcomings at the physical level by his/her own self kills all the other potentials refraining him from even trying his hands in the field he is capable to be at the top.
Many research works have shown that beauty boosts the confidence and it’s made more popular by the people discouraging their skills for the lack of beauty and others encouraging their worth by the lack of consciousness.
The solution lies in considering oneself the best and coming out of the restraints of the physical level which sometimes becomes really difficult. This is not easy as the whole problem starts from here and ends at the same point. But, let’s start to understand this and try and experiment with the actual facts rather than feeling frustrated with the sympathy of others which discourages us even more. We very well understand how it feels when we innocently ask a person, “how do I look?” and the reply comes with a true and a pinching fact, “God made everyone so, everyone is beautiful.” We acknowledge the fact and also understand the difference in the same answer if it had been asked by a really beautiful person. Here, a really beautiful person is measured on the scale of the physical level.
So, why to discourage and demean ourselves with such silly questions? Let’s rise ourselves at other levels which beauty can’t even touch and people can’t dare to ignore. Our identity lies in our skills and can be polished by our efforts. Let’s create a situation when people become forced to say,” Beauty in vain, skills make a man or a woman.” Time is to encourage our souls and force the beauties to learn from our beautiful souls.
Life is very short, so run fast to keep a pace with your thoughts, set an ambition and achieve the peak and get convinced that you are among the best. Why to die unconvinced and unsatisfied with our own lives? God did injustice, so do justice to you. Don’t leave any stone unturned to establish your own identity. Everyone dies physically with which beauty also vanishes, so achieve the beauty which can’t even be snatched by death and gets appreciated till the world lives.
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